Salon Topic:
What Now? Intersectional Research in a Time of Retrenchment

Salon Guests:
Dr. Ange-Marie Hancock

Salon Description:
How do we think about the balance between responding to important and urgent exigencies that threaten evidence-based research and preserving the space for intersectional innovation? Today’s salon conversation will explore how to connect the dots using the principles of paradigm intersectionality to understand and design studies of the present context.

Guest Bio:
Dr. Ange-Marie Hancock is the Executive Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University, where she also serves as ENGIE-Axium Endowed Professor of Political Science. She has written numerous articles and three books on the intersections of categories of difference like race, gender, class, sexuality and citizenship and their impact on policy: the award-winning The Politics of Disgust and the Public Identity of the “Welfare Queen,” (2004), Solidarity Politics for Millennials: A Guide to Ending the Oppression Olympics (2011) and Intersectionality: An Intellectual History (2016), which has been cited in 26 different academic disciplines. Her most recent chapter, “Avoiding Paradigm Voyeurism and Embracing Intersectionality Stewardship: Intersectionality as a Research Paradigm ‘From Below” will be published this year in the Oxford Handbook of Political Science Methodology (2025).

Video Lectures: